These are the most commonly asked questions about UniCon. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Chat with our friendly team!


UniCon is a multigenre convention - festival/expo type of event dedicated to comics, eSports, cosplay, traditional and popular East Asian culture, presentations, entertainment technologies, tabletops, role-playing games etc. (basically, Comic Con - Latvian Comic Con).


UniCon 2024 will take place on 17 and 18 August 2024.


Kipsala International exhibitions center. Kipsalas street 8, Riga, Latvia.

How long does the event last?

UniCon 2024 is open for general public from 12:00 to 20:00. Fan tickets holder have an extra hour each day and can attend from 11:00 to 20:00.  

Ticket price and where do I get them?

You can get tickets only via Bilesu Serviss or at the event entrance.

- EUR for Saturday or Sunday ticket;
- EUR for two days ticket;
- EUR for Fan ticket.

There are NO early bird ticket system. Ticket price is the same from announcement and stays the same during the event.

What type of cosplayers are coming?

Celebrate Geek Culture! Comic Con type event featuring cosplay, comics, kpop, anime, manga, video games, esports.

How does two days ticket works?

You will get a different wristband each day upon showing your ticket at the entrance. Please save and show our staff your two days ticket on each day (don't lose it after the first event day!).

Is there a discount system?

There are no general discounts. However, some contest participants qualify for discounted tickets. Also children younger than 7 y.o. can enter event for free.

Does tournament or contest participants get free entry?

No, but cosplay contest, kpop dance contest and artists alley participants are subject for discounted ticket upon registration confirmation. Videogames tournaments, art contest and other contest participants have to purchase a full price ticket.

What can I see and do at UniCon?

Please check out our digest of content and activities to participate on this website. Also grab the event program with the schedule and the plan of the event venue at the entrance! We are constantly working on the program so the final information will be available only closer to the event dates.

From what age can I go to UniCon?

There are no age restrictions. Also children younger than 7 y.o. can enter event for free.

Can I go to UniCon? without a costume?

You sure can! Cosplay is not mandatory. Even if you are in costume it is not obligatory to participate in the cosplay contest. Cosplay is all about fun and having good time.

Can anyone participate in Cosplay Contest it with their costumes?

Yes, but we have a limited amount of performances we can allow on stage.

Can I participate even if I have never been on stage before?

Absolutely! We welcome newcomers and even have a special awards category for debutants.

Can I cosplay without taking part in the contest?

Yes of course you can and very welcomed to!

Can I dress in cosplay at the event and leave my clothes somewhere?

You can change to cosplay in one of few public changing rooms, but unfortunately in summer where is no wardrobe and no lockers available on site :(   

What if I don't have any friends to go with. Can I go alone?

UniCon is one of the biggest themed community events in the Baltic states with participants not only from Riga but from all around Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland etc. Here you can find the best type of friends - those who share your interests and hobbies!

Can I go to UniCon with my small dog?

Unfortunately venue policy does not allow animals (except service animals).  

Can I bring my own food and drink?

Yes. We don't prohibit to do that as a lot of other events do. Also there will be Expo Diner and other vendors with hot food for you and there is a large trade center Olympia in 10 minutes walk from the venue. Oh, and we also provide free still water!

Will vendors take debit/credit cards?

Some vendors do take debit/credit cards but not all of them. We do recommend you bring cash with you.

Where do I find an ATM?

There is a Swedbank ATM at the entrance of the venue. There are lot of ATMs on the ground floor of Olympia trade center as well.

How much cash should I bring?

Bring as much cash as your budget allows as the loot is tempting :)

Will there be alcohol?

UniCon exhibitors are not allowed to sell alcohol due to the nature of our audience. The venue catering may provide alcohol. If you choose to drink please do so responsibly. Any inappropriate behavior will result in you being asked to leave the event.

Can I film videos and take photographs?

Yes. Please ask permission first from anyone you would like to video or photograph and respect their wishes if they decline.

Will I be caught on camera?

UniCon attracts local press, bloggers and many photographers. By attending UniCon, you give your consent to be photographed and appear on camera. You could end up on www.unicon.lv, our social media pages or on material published by media companies.​

What languages are used on the panels and workshops?

The majority of the panels will be held in English, since a lot of our guests are from other countries. You will find a flag marking the Latvian, Russian and English spoken panels in the online- and print versions of the program.

What if I am harassed?

Harassment of any kind - including stalking, deliberate intimidation, unwelcome physical attention, physical assault and battery, unwanted sexual advances - will not be tolerated at UniCon. If it's illegal outside the convention center, it's illegal inside the convention center. Harassment is grounds for removal from the convention without refund as well as potential legal action. We want UniCon to be safe, open and accepting environment for all Fans, and if you find yourself victim of harassment at the convention please come immediately to the UniCon Info Desk.

Soooo... this is basically a weeaboo animu lovers gathering...

This is not correct. Even though traditional and popular Japanese culture is a significant part of UniCon, those themes do not constitute even a 1/3 of events content. And, most importantly, we stand for healthy endorsement of your hobbies!

What is UniCon?

UniCon is a brand which unites more than 100 volunteer staff members.​

What do you do?

Our primary goal is to promote diverse hobbies and geek culture phenomena in atmosphere of friendship and tolerance. In order to achieve this goal we are holding two major events per year as well as free monthly community activities.

How long have you been doing it?

"Jauniešu brīvo interešu biedrība" was founded in 2012 and the first UniCon was held in 2013.

I'm Business representative and Interested in B2B relations with you.  

Please contact us through office(at)unicon.lv

Sounds neat! How can I join UniCon staff!?

We are holding recruiting meetings twice a year, if you follow our social media you won't miss the announcements. Attending the meetings doesn't mean that you automatically will be taken in the staff.