


Artists Alley


Tabletop RPG






Arts Zone

Galda RPG

Spēlējiet caur fantāzijas pasaulēm

Pievienojies “Dēkaiņu ģilde” Episkiem piedzīvojumiem

Izbaudiet RPG (lomu spēles) aizraušanos ar “Dēkaiņu ģilde” UniCon 2024! Neatkarīgi no tā, vai esat garāmgājējs vai īpašs lomu spēles entuziasts, nāciet izbaudīt leģendāros fantāzijas RPG, piemēram, Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder un daudz ko citu.

Atrodiet mūs pie ieejas

Lai sāktu savu piedzīvojumu, meklējiet galdu “Dēkaiņu ģilde” pie UniCon ieejas. Spēļu galdi parasti ātri piepildās, tāpēc noteikti rezervējiet vietu vismaz sestdien.

Vai esat jauns RPG un LARP?

Ja esat iesācējs RPG un LARP (tiešraides lomu spēlēšana), nāciet runāt ar mums! Mēs sniegsim vērtīgus padomus un norādījumus jūsu pirmajai spēlei, palīdzot jums ienirt šajā aizraujošajā hobijā.

Pievienojieties mums UniCon 2024

Nepalaidiet garām iespēju iepazīt lomu spēļu pasauli ar “Dēkaiņu ģilde” UniCon 2024. Rezervējiet savu vietu un sagatavojieties neaizmirstamam piedzīvojumam!

Galda RPG fotogrāfijas

A large group of people seated at multiple tables, engaged in various tabletop role-playing games, in a spacious convention room.
A game master in a dark hooded robe and mask conducting a tabletop role-playing game session, with players in costume and a display screen providing background information.
Close-up of a detailed miniature house with a grassy roof and blue shingles, part of a tabletop role-playing game terrain.
A live-action role-playing game session, with participants in costume seated at a table with a detailed miniature village setup, a large '20' displayed on a screen in the background
Close-up of small character standees on a game board, representing a paladin and a wizard in a tabletop role-playing game.
A group of cosplayers playing a tabletop role-playing game, some dressed in elaborate costumes, seated around a table with game materials.
A detailed miniature model of a medieval village used for tabletop gaming, featuring houses, walls, and terrain.
A pile of vibrant multi-sided dice used for tabletop role-playing games, scattered on a dark surface.
A group of people gathered around a table, deeply engaged in a tabletop role-playing game, with a game master and various game materials.
Close-up of a detailed tabletop role-playing game map with a collection of colorful dice placed on it, alongside some game papers.
Groups of people seated around tables, actively engaged in tabletop role-playing games, with various game materials and books spread out on the tables.
A bearded man wearing glasses and a 'Dungeons & Dragons' shirt acting as a game master, gesturing while narrating a tabletop role-playing game session, with miniature trees and figures on the table.
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