


Artists Alley


Tabletop RPG






Arts Zone


Veidojiet un krāsojiet savu armiju

Geeks no Daugavpils ir atpakaļ!

Daugavpils Geek kopiena to dara vēlreiz! Apmeklējiet viņu stendu UniCon 2024, lai redzētu episkas cīņas starp dažādiem spēkiem Warhammer 40000 Visumā.

Ko gaidīt:

  • Miniatūru celtniecības un glezniecības meistarklase: Iemācieties veidot un gleznot savas miniatūras ar ekspertu norādījumiem.
  • Demonstrācijas Warhammer 40000 spēles: Skatieties skaisti krāsotas miniatūras darbībā krāšņu spēles demonstrāciju laikā.
  • Bitz tirgus un gleznotāju displejs: Izpētiet Bitz bazāru un brīnieties par gleznotāju izstādi, kurā demonstrēta neticama meistarība.

Pievienojieties mums UniCon 2024

Nepalaidiet garām iespēju iegremdēties Warhammer 40000 Visumā kopā ar Daugavpils Geek kopienu. Tiekamies episkām cīņām un radošai jautrībai!

Wargames Photos

A group of people gathered around a table at a convention, painting miniatures and working on tabletop gaming models under desk lamps.
A wide view of a tabletop gaming setup with numerous painted miniatures, including soldiers, robots, and vehicles, arranged on a detailed terrain featuring greenery and structures.
A close-up of a large, detailed mechanical miniature painted in red and silver colors, equipped with various weapons, displayed at a convention.
A detailed tabletop gaming setup featuring various painted miniatures, including soldiers, robots, and vehicles, arranged on a grassy terrain with structures.
A large, intricately painted mechanical miniature surrounded by other figures on a tabletop gaming terrain.
A blue robot miniature standing next to a terrain piece on a detailed tabletop gaming setup.
Close-up of painted miniature figures, including blue armored soldiers, on a detailed tabletop gaming terrain.
A person in a straw hat focused on painting a miniature model at a convention, with a tray of paints and supplies on the table.
A detailed diorama of a dungeon scene with miniature figures, including a dragon and adventurers, set up on a tabletop at a convention.
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